Social Media Blog: Facebook’s “LIKE” Option Confusing

Change is good right? Even when it's happening as fast as it is on Facebook. Lots of people are complaining about the new changes on Facebook, the biggest one being the renaming of the "become a fan" function to the "Like" button. Facebook has also launched Community Pages AND it has revamped its privacy controls but more about that in another post.

So you can no longer "become a fan" when you come upon a "fan page". Now you can "Like" the fan page or not. But note that this "Like" is unlike the "Like" that you select when you like a video or a status posted by your friends. This new "Like" means you are connected to the page that you say you "Like". So that means that your profile will show that you "Like" a new page.

The other "Like" is only you telling your friend that you liked what he/she posted and didn't need to leave a comment behind.

Confusing? Yeaaaah! But I'm sure it'll be just like anything else, pretty soon it'll be how we talk to people.

Here's what Facebook says about their "like" feature introduction. Hmmmm…lightweight???


Annnyway!  I wonder when Facebook will introduce the "Dislike" button!!!

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