The Vatican Social Media Immersion week!

Facebook and Google are at the Vatica! How cool is that? I knew that the current Pope is progressive and more in touch with technology given that he owns a laptop and even has an ipod.

But the news that Google, Facebook, Youtube, and Wikipedia representatives will spend four days presenting Social Media and its advantages and disadvantages shows how even religion is changing as the digital wave keeps spreading.

Social Media is a perfect way to spread messages fast. It only makes sense that the Vatican may be looking to leverage its power to reach its audience.

I can just see it:

  • Sermons via youtube
  • Tweets about the Pope’s activities
  • Inspirational messages on Facebook fan page

Digital Religion is here!

(I don’t see how “confessions” can happen digitally and still remain private but you know what; some genius will figure out a way to offer “private confessionals”…….)

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