Facebook says “Think Privacy”

I logged into Facebook and found a screen asking me to review my old settings and decide whether I wanted to keep them as is or change them. The first time I got that pop-up screen, I chose 'skip for now" but the next time I decided to just take care of it and review all my settings to determine who could see what.

This new Facebook privacy policy made me think, even if for a couple minutes, as to whether or not I had the correct settings. We all post pictures and comments and information on our Facebook pages without thinking about all the new "friends" we've added since we first set up our privacy settings. I know that each time I get a new friend request and add someone, I don't go back and check my settings to see whether the new "friend" should be able to see everything that the old "friends" could. And for most of us since the term "friend" on Facebook includes anyone and everyone including kids, business colleagues, employees, "real friends", etc. I know that it makes sense to be more vigilante about what is being read or viewed by whom.

The new Facebook Privay policy review is mandatory for all 350M plus users of Facebook and I think it is really great that they are forcing their users to review and think about their privacy settings. I mean although it is my responsibility to read the TOS (Terms of Service) of every website, sometimes its just easy to accept the TOS thinking "what could POSSIBLY go wrong"!

So when you encounter the Facebook privacy review screen, take a few minutes to really review your settings instead of just going through the motions. In the long-run you may end up thanking Facebook for making you more aware about the privacy settings on your Facebook page.

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