Posts Tagged ‘Facebook_Pictures’

Social Media Marketing Blog: Privacy on Social Networks!

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

A friend recently remarked, "I'm a stalker on Facebook because I am too, too, too much of a private person". That pronouncement got a lot of comments from other friends who attempted to defend their own actions and postings on Facebook and other Social web sites. It also led to a loud discussion about netiquette and what should and should not be posted online. But the thing that got everyone stumped was when a friend who had been pretty low-key through the whole discussion asked "ok, so how would you manage your privacy when someone else posts your pictures online on their own Facebook page"?

The look of horror on the "so, so, so private" friend would have been funny if none of us felt the same horror about not having control over content that would get posted online.

Most of us are more than happy to let people take our pictures at social events and work events. But what if someone takes photos of  you and places them on their page but that person has a list of friends whom you don't want to have access to your photos?
Complicated? No kidding! Solution? None that we could come up with after lots of debate and dialog about how to monitor and control online content publishing that is done by others over whom you  have no control over.
