Posts Tagged ‘Facebooking’

Internet Marketing: Direct Mail Making a Comeback?

Tuesday, January 12th, 2010

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) talked about companies who cut back on direct mail finding out that their clients are also dropping off as a result of that cut-back and regaining them when the company went back to their direct mail marketing strategy.

Now I found that article very, very surprising because I'm a total online media geek. Give me a phone and a computer and I am in heaven with text messaging, skying, facebooking, tweeting, and emailing. You get the point, I'm a total new media addict. I also do email marketing, direct mail, cold calling, etc. along with my team members to get myself out there in front of customers. But if I had a choice, I'd stick to doing all business through the Internet.

I never thought I'd say this but perhaps it's time to step back and take a look at direct mail campaigns again more comprehensively. If a company can spend $4000 and win $270K in business (according to the WSJ article I reference above), I can certainly spend some money to get a lot of business!

Ok so all of you who are so used to receiving dozens of texts and emails from me, look out! A direct mail postcard may be in your physical mailbox sometime soon!

Social Media Marketing Blog: What did we learn about Social Media Marketing in 2009?

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

2009 was a big big big year for Social Networking sites being leveraged for businesses. So I think that 2009 can be named the year that wasn't any good in any other except for the popularity of social media marketing.

We learned in 2009 that:

Gaining visibility through Tweeting and Facebook is actually fun. It’s also the most cost-effective way of enhancing brand image and keeping in touch with prospects and customers. You may find that most of your downstream constituents would be suitably impressed when you demonstrated you ability to post quality messages and build a good follower or fan base.

Social network messaging is far reaching and seems to carry more influence. People are happy to retweet, share, and generally recommend friends and followers to you. Social relationships go well beyond the one to one connections formed on networking sites. By sharing similar interests and experiences different unconnected users interact and form a community that results in local or traveling tweet-ups and or offline meetings that continue to grow beyond the online relationship.
Re-tweeting on twitter helps amplifying messages about your brand. In 2009 Harvard Business Research has found that 90% of tweets were done by 10% of twitter users! So if you want to be an influencer, re-tweeting  messages will help you extend your reach to more users.

Research has also shown that social ads are particularly useful for increasing buying intent, on-line ad awareness, and favor-ability. All of these activities must now be measured and weighed along with traditional marketing metrics and must be on the marketer’s dashboard in 2010.

So 2009 was bad in pretty much every other way except for the the growing popularity of social networks. Small businesses extend reach and helped large businesses touch and feel their constituents or rather I should vice versa; the constituents were able to touch and feel big corporate types which would have been unheard of before Twitter and Facebook.

Let's see what 2010 has in store for all of us. Here's to more tweeting and more facebook fan promotion!