Posts Tagged ‘Social_Networks’

Online Marketing Blog: Using LinkedIn Effectively

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

LinkedIn is one of the most professional business networks you'll find online. It is older than Facebook and is made up of professionals located across the globe. Although it doesn't have as many users as Facebook, if you wish to build your professional network with contacts, LinkedIn is the best platform to do so.
LinkedIn's biggest advantage to you is showcasing your profile with as much detail as possible. Your profile should be an impressive presentation of you, your skills, and your achievements. A captivating profile is bound to attract others who may be looking to do business with you, looking for a job, or looking for a partner.

You should study other profiles in your field and outside your field to find ideas to make your profile more comprehensive and interesting. Also, it is well worth it to review corporate profiles and create one that showcases your company as the company to retain, work with, or buy should the interest be there. Include testimonials from clients (present and current), employees (present and current), and peers or colleagues who can tell others why you and your company are worth a second and third look.
Building your network on LinkedIn is easy. Start with the people  you already know. Offer your contacts to others and vice versa ask to connect with contacts of your contacts. But be careful and curb the overwhelming desire to add everyone you see and want to add. Also keep an eye on the LinkedIn database which provides suggestions about the people you might want to add depending on the interest fields you have filled out in your profile. Update your profile as often as you can, post your opinions, make use of the Answers section to answer other people's questions and post some of your own.

Include your website, blogs, and interests in your profile so people can see your professional background but also get to know a little bit about your personal likes and dislikes.

So don't let Facebook and Twitter be the only networks you play on. Take a second look at LinkedIn and make it work for you.


Online Marketing Blog: Advantages of Social Networks for Business

Monday, September 6th, 2010

Social networking provides personal and professional advantages. The biggest advantage being communication. Social networks allow companies to reach wider audiences without ever leaving their office. Pre-social networks days, a lot more money was being spent on advertisements, travel, and business development to reach audiences outside the local area in which the business resides in.

Promoting a product or service has never been easier than through social networks. Companies can do beta launches or product demos within hours receiving valuable feedback that can be taken into factor before launching the actual product.

Social networks like LinkedIN provide an amazingly easy manner to connect with decision makers at companies across the globe. There is no need to buy lists or contact information anymore, most of that information is readily available and easily accessible. 
Social networks are also an excellent way to create self-promotion or brand awareness. The best way to do this is by engaging with others on social networks in a way such that people want to dialog with you and to make people curious enough to ask you more about what you do. Finding an employee, evaluating an employee, finding someone who knows someone, etc. are all easier in the age of social networks than even two years ago.
If businesses can stay focused on their goals and reasons for being on social networks, they can leverage the various benefits without falling prey to the disadvantages that are also presented by social networks.